Derivatives of Exponential Functions

With Simple Positive Powers

(e2x)The derivative of e^2x
(e3x)The derivative of e^3x
(e4x)The derivative of e^4x
(e5x)The derivative of e^5x
(e6x)The derivative of e^6x
(e7x)The derivative of e^7x
(e8x)The derivative of e^8x
(e9x)The derivative of e^9x

With Simple Negative Powers

(e-x)The derivative of e^-x
(e-2x)The derivative of e^-2x
(e-3x)The derivative of e^-3x
(e-4x)The derivative of e^-4x
(e-5x)The derivative of e^-5x
(e-6x)The derivative of e^-6x

With Powers In The Exponent

(ex2)The derivative of e^x^2
(ex3)The derivative of e^x^3